Minggu, 17 April 2016

Flatbush Farm Share CSA Week 3

Salad, salad, chomp, chomp

Salad days are back. Big, no huge, leafy heads of escarole, romaine, arugula, parsley are now decoratring my fridge shelves in big bouquets. I dont have much of meal game plan, just to eat salads. A little oil, salt and perhaps a handful of herbs Ive been harvesting from Prospect Farm. The Farm at Millers Crossing, who provides my vegetables should be proud of their snap peas which are sweet as candy. Thats right vegetables for dessert.

Flatbush Farm Share CSA Week 3

1 bunch Chiogga Beets
1 bunch parsely
1 bunch arugula
1 bunch huge escarole
1 bunch romaine
1 scant quart snap peas
1/2 lb garlic scapes, which I gave away
6 eggs
12 oz half n half
1 quart dark beautiful cherries

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