Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

First Post of Many WHY AQUAPONICS

While engaging in a debate on the worlds capacity of humans and the limitations imposed by the lack of available land and food, I stumbled upon the concept of aquaponics (hereafter referred to as "AP").

AP is human harnessing of a process that started billions of years ago...yet, amazingly enough, is the future of food production for our entire race.  It will go commercial, and current agricultural farmers with their antiquated techniques will be cornered out of a market with APs ability to mass-produce organic produce locally for less than half the cost using less than half the land.  Couple this with the fact that AP can operate solely only renewable sources of power (wind/solar), emancipating farmers from fossil fuel dependence...and can be scaleable from a kitchen to commercial operation...and you can truly see its limiteless potential.

If I won the lottery, I would become an AP baron, purchase huge cheap plots of land in a sunny climate, raise tilapia in subterranean rooms at constant temperature, and elbow out all competition.  Sadly, the military lifestyle only affords me a meager base pay and moves me every 3-5 years. 

The theory is solid.  The math is solid.  The science is solid. more irrigation and huge more algal more more dependence on foreign oil...drastically reduced carbon emissions.

Some backyard enthusiasts such as Murray Hallam and Affnan have done much to make it easy for the layman, and have done much to promote awareness of the potential of AP.  I will ATTEMPT to explain the theory behind it all, and emphasize the role that AP will play in our (yes, OUR) future.

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