Dirt Talk Two: Geology and Soils of New York City with Dr. Charles Merguerian
Ample overview of regional geology, the talk will zero in on the geology and soils of Brooklyn by Dr. Merguerian of Hofstra University and Duke Geological Laboratory and the nationally recognized leading authority of the NYC area.
Tuesday Feb 21st, 2012
8 - 9:00 pm
Downstairs @ Sycamore Bar and Flowershop, 21+
1118 Cortelyou RD, BK (Q train to Cortelyou)
Hosted by Meera Bhat
Facebook invite
Geological discoveries in the fields of hard rock and glacial geology have been made during the past four decades of research, the result of continuous mapping and laboratory research on collected samples from New York City. Indeed, access to surface and subsurface exposures has produced a treasure trove of geological information that alters our view of the Paleozoic tectonic development of this portion of the Appalachian mountain chain as well as the Pleistocene glacial history of New York City and vicinity. Holocene (post-glacial) alteration of the in-situ and transported glacial regolith has produced our modern soils. With ample overview of the regional geology, the talk will zero in on the geology and soils of Brooklyn.
Come see and hear the details of Dr. Merguerians investigations and documentation of his new discoveries in the form of digital images, maps and integrated video.
Dr. Charles Merguerian is nationally recognized as the leading authority on the geologic structure and tectonics of the New York City area. He is Chairman and Professor of Geology at Hofstra University, Director of Duke Geological Laboratory in Westbury, NY, and has broad consulting experience with the United States Geological Survey, the California- and Connecticut State Geological Surveys, the New York City DEP and many regional geotechnical and engineering firms.
During the past two decades his research efforts have focused on field- and tunnel mapping and laboratory research on the subsurface structure of New York City and vicinity. Merguerian has concentrated on geologic mapping of tunnels bored by tunnel boring machines (TBM) and by tunnels and shafts constructed by traditional drill and blast methods. This work has paved the way for more efficient tunneling and excavation of rock in the New York City area and has facilitated municipal mega-construction projects including water, utility and transportation tunnels and microtunnels.
Visit his website with fantastic photos: http://people.hofstra.edu/
Meera Bhat is part of the team at Prospect Farm (http://prospectfarm.org), a neighborhood growing initiative in Windsor Terrace that is working together to grow food in a formerly vacant lot. She lives in Prospect Park South and works as a project manager at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University. She also leads a girl scout troop, if youre looking for cookies.
Cantaloupe Alone is the creator of this event and a food blog for people with garlic breath run by Kensington, Brooklyn based Naomi Donabedian www.cantaloupealone.com
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